Mark practices a culture that interweaves the concepts of sustainability with quality, environment, and safety, investing in structure and resources, establishing work methodologies and raising the awareness of its team, solidifying these concepts in innovative and efficient chemical products and services that become solutions to our Customers' environmental, performance, and cost challenges.
An example of this initiative is the launch of the Link LRW Line of Second-Generation Wet Resistance Agents (RU 2G), with low levels of organochlorines, through its own development and manufacturing technology. In this sense, it is also important to highlight Bind DSS 2031 Surface Glue, which meets Anvisa and FDA regulations for papers in contact with food, as well as most of Mark's product line.

Our perception of Sustainability
Mark is a young chemical industry with mature ideas when it comes to sustainability. In a broad sense, we practice sustainability in the environmental, social and governance spheres, acting in an exemplary manner in our production and commercial chain.
In a practical way, sustainability for Mark is translated into developing our products with the lowest environmental impact in manufacturing and use, in the selection of partners and suppliers who act responsibly, in the execution of our production activities in compliance with regulations and in the use of natural resources, especially water, in a conscious way, encouraging our team to develop their activities with respect to the environment, both in the technical and manufacturing areas, and in the administrative and commercial areas, taking to our customers the extent of our concern with sustainability, helping them to achieve their own environmental goals.
Quality, Environment and Safety
Mark conducts its activities according to strict quality criteria, acting preventively with regard to safety and environment, ensuring confidence and credibility in the chemicals and services we offer to overcome environmental challenges, performance and cost of our customers.
In this sense, Mark encourages its team to join suppliers and customers in an ethical and mutually cooperative performance, in order to strengthen our influence in sustainable actions, especially with regard to minimizing social impacts by practicing respect for diversity, reducing waste, emissions and energy consumption, and especially, conserving water.